[NEW] Business Success Group Coaching Program


Access High Level Professional Coaching at a Fraction of the Normal Cost

The easiest way to get to know us is to: [Schedule Your FREE Coaching Consultation] (normally $500) This is a limited time offer so schedule now.

For over fifteen years now, our Business Success Company has become the go-to-company to help business owners grow and thrive.

If you have ever wanted to upgrade your peer group and enjoy the support, growth, and empowerment of working with a top professional facilitator/business coach, but were held back by a limited budget, this is your chance.

We have designed our “Business Success Group Coaching Program” to be an intimate, confidential, and private program with you and 4-12 other business leaders.

Our program is your chance to get our help to apply our proprietary Value Impact Program to your organization. The program will help you grow your company and help you regain control over your time and life.

You will Learn:

  • How to escape the "Time and Effort" Economy and pull your entire team in the Value Economy instead.

  • How to apply time mastery strategies and the accountability and support structure to make sure you are successful.)

  • How you and your team can create your quarterly plan of action with team buy in.

  • How to increase revenues simply by narrowing your focus.

  • How to set up weekly accountability huddles that focuses on what your people should be doing not what they choose to do.

  • How to build strategic depth into what you do, so that you, your team, and your company are covered should you lose one of your key people.

  • How to get your team to use the systems you’re creating, and to document their best practices.

  • How to leverage "Profit Levers" so that you speed up this process and create your results faster and with less effort.

  • How to fall in love with your company or role again by redesigning your workflow and internal systems so they are simpler and more elegant.

  • And much, much more!

The bottom line is that we will help you succeed.

Plus, we will give you the support and accountability to stay the course.


Once a month you will work with your Certified Facilitator/Coach in live small, intimate, groups of 4-12 business leaders via Zoom. The meetings are structured, yet flexible 90-minute strategy sessions.

Each session will have a specific learning goal and theme. Also, you and your peers will troubleshoot challenges and expand on opportunities. Yes, you will be held accountable to do the things that you want and need to do.

Not only will you learn the secrets to creating more value in less time with your group, you will also be able to tap into our vast network for co-support.

When we get together in person the investment is $790.00/month. Right now, our live online group coaching program is only $390/mo. It is the most economical Group Coaching option we have. This is a proven program that will never again be priced this low.

BONUS ADD – We have also added a fantastic bonus. 1 on 1 monthly coaching all inclusive. The best way we know to ensure that our clients receive the maximum benefit from our program is to include monthly coaching.


Our business coaching clients grow 5x faster than average, while reducing their personal working hours.

Before we start, regardless of what program may work best for you (we have other programs,) we need to get to know each other.

 What better way than to offer you a free coaching session (normally $500.) Just this session alone can add thousands of dollars to your bottom line.

[Schedule Your FREE Coaching Consultation] (normally $500) This offer expires after we fill our Pilot Group.

Most business owners want growth, but they hold themselves back because they fear that to get growth, they will have to sacrifice their lives.

It does not have to be that way. Done right, you get growth and increased time freedom. After the initial start-up stage of a business, business owners need to work less to make more.

For over fifteen years now we have helped our business coaching clients build thriving owner-independent companies.

Explore the possibility of working together to help you scale your company and get your life back.

A word of caution: If you are looking for a magic bullet, our Business Success Coaching Program is not for you. It is for serious business owners who want to legitimately break through to the next level and build a thriving, owner-independent company.

Imagine tapping into this proven program. No more guessing; no more struggling; no more doubting yourself or your decisions. Just clear action steps and structured accountability leading to consistent growth and greater time freedom.

Our 1 on 1 Coaching Model walks you through the 7 Stages of Business Success starting with your own Personal Vision. We have included 1 on 1 coaching with our “Business Success Advisory Group Coaching Program” all inclusive.

Receive Immediate Insights to the Best Leverage Points and Next Steps to Grow Your Business!

[Schedule Your FREE Coaching Consultation] (normally $500) Only available until we fill our Pilot Group Coaching Program.

Over the past 15 years, we have helped business owners like you build a business you can one day sell, scale, or own passively.

A free coaching session allows you to experience what it's like to work with us, and it gives us a real sense of what it would be like to work with you as a client if we invited you into our program.

Either way, you will leave the session with a greater sense of clarity about the best strategy to grow your company, along with concrete action steps to do it.

[Schedule Your FREE Coaching Consultation] (normally $500) Schedule now! Don’t miss out.

Our fee will never be lower. For the first time, we are offering our program outside of our local area at a severely reduced investment. We only want to start with 1 or 2 groups so please don’t delay scheduling your free coaching session.

We are excited about our program and look forward to helping you.

[Schedule Your FREE Coaching Consultation] (normally $500)

To your success,

Jay and Wayde

Just a quick note. Some of our clients tell us they prefer not to be in a group. If you prefer 1 on 1 coaching only, we will be happy to discuss your options after your free coaching consultation.

2020 - Your Best Year Ever



Did you know that 95% of the people who set New Year’s resolutions never follow through?  The reason is that most people don’t understand the process of how to produce lasting results- and they never take the first steps.  The following process will walk you through how to get started and create the momentum that will drive you to follow through.  By doing it, you will gain clarity about where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you want to go.  It will also help you create a simple plan to set up your new year so that it truly compels, excites and drives you.

1.   Get Clear. 

2.   Get Certain. 

3.   Get Excited. 

4.   Get Focused. 

5.   Get Committed. 

6.   Get Momentum. 

7.   Get Smart.

Step 1:   Get Clear. 

To begin, you must first gain clarity about where you really are now…

1.   What did you love last year?

A.    What were some of your Magic Moments? 

 What was magical and extraordinary?

 B.     What did you accomplish last year? 

C.   What are some of the things from last year that you want to duplicate this year

2.   What did you dislike last year?

 A.  What was challenging this past year?

 B.  What do you not want to have happen again?

C.  What did you learn by going through these experiences? 

 Why were they incredibly valuable?

3.   What decisions did you make last year that were empowering for you?

 A.  What were some of the most important decisions of this year for you

B.  What decisions might you make next year as a result?

Step 2:  Get Certain.

 Once you know where you are, you need to create certainty about your capacity to take anything you can dream about and make it real.

 1.  Write down anything in your life that was once merely just a goal, dream, or desire.  What are some of the big and little things that at one time seemed extremely difficult or impossible to achieve or acquire?

2.  Circle the two or three items on your list that seemed the most difficult or impossible to achieve. 

3.  For the two or three items you circled, write down the steps you went through to turn each one of them into reality.  You may not have done it consciously, but it’s likely something stimulated you to want them- so much so that it may have become a magnificent obsession for you.  Then, did you focus on it continuously?  Put a lot of emotional charge into it?  Then what?  Did you actually create a plan?  What were the steps you went through?


Step 3: Get Excited.

 Now that you are clear about where you’ve been, and you have certainty about your ability to make your goals and dreams real, it’s time to decide where you want to go…

 1. In a peak state, write down every goal you think you’d like to accomplish in the next 5 years.  Be sure to include ANYTHING you want to do, be, share, create, have, and give.  Include financial goals, personal development goals, physical goals, relationship goals, and contribution goals- anything you’d like to learn, enjoy, or do.  No matter how silly or outrageous it may seem, this is your chance to dream without limits.  Be sure to keep writing as fast as possible!

Step 4: Get Focused. 

1. Out of your list of goals (from Step 3); write your top four one-year goals.  Out of your entire list, what do you want most?  What are the top four goals that, if you could achieve them this year, would get you up early and keep you up late with excitement?

Step 5: Get Committed.

 1. For each of your top four one-year goals, write a paragraph about why they are ‘musts’ for you to achieve them.  What are the reasons you absolutely will achieve this no matter what?  Remember, reasons come first, answers come second!  Why do you want to do this?

2. What are some of the things that you may need to do that you don’t want to do in order to achieve these goals?  If you have enough passion, you can get yourself to do anything, but first you must be certain about what “anything” might entail.  Let’s look the tiger in the eye!

Step 6: Get Momentum.

Never leave the site of setting a goal without taking some action toward its attainment.  You must take immediate action.

1. Decide now:  What is one small thing that you will do immediately toward achieving one of your top goals (e.g., making a phone call, booking a meeting, getting on the internet to research, signing up for a seminar, getting a coach, etc.)? 

2. What is one big thing that you resolve to do immediately to achieve this goal (e.g., making a decision, throwing out all the unhealthy food in your house right now, giving something away, etc.)? 

Step 7: Get Smart.

To make sure you follow through, you have to get smart and measure yourself consistently.  Remember, most people set some New Year’s goals, have no plan or direction, take no action, and then measure again next New Year’s!  The more you measure something the better it gets.  You must resolve now to measure your specific progress daily, or at least weekly.

Think - What do you want?

Plan - Write down what you want!

Do - “Just do It” (Accountability needed)



Beech, Beer and Business

Beach, Beer and Business

What an evening! It’s warm with a great breeze rolling in over the Atlantic Ocean. I’m comfortably sitting on the beach, watching the surfers, and drinking a refreshing cold beer.

There are two groups of surfers. One, is a group of five that seems to spend way more time sitting on their boards than surfing. They are bobbing up and down and going wherever the tide take them. Group two has two surfers, one male and one female, who are riding the waves beautifully. They are actively moving their positions to catch the surge of the wave before the wave develops. They seem to catch all the big waves and ride all the way to the beach. From my perspective, they are having a great time.

Perhaps the two surfers are just lucky. Is it just luck that they happen to catch the surge of all the best waves. Maybe, these two surfers make their own luck. In business, the same thing happens. I’ve been in the entrepreneurial trenches for over 30 years and when it comes to growing a business, luck is entirely within your control. Great companies spend time and consistent effort positioning themselves in front of their industry’s surge. When they catch the surge, they can ride it to remarkable growth.

The Marketplace is like the waves. Constantly changing. Trends change, customers shift demand, and even whole industries change. Technology accelerates change and sometimes disrupts the market. The key to growth is to position your company in front of the best waves of change then ride them to the end. As the saying goes, “timing is everything.”

That’s what a friend, client, and business owner is doing right now. He is presently in the middle of a surge. For over a year, he has been positioning his company in front of a large wave that is changing his industry. When we met for our July (1 to 1) meeting he reported a $800,000 increase in profits over the first half of this year. Our revenue goal was to reach $20 million dollars by 2020. Now, our projections changed. We will reach $20 million in revenues by the end of 2018. Sorry, I can’t tell you what he is doing because we want to ride this wave as long as possible. Unfortunately, business is a journey and not a destination. You never arrive. This wave will not last forever and we are always looking for the next market change.

Skype is a company that positioned itself in front of two marketplace surges. Skype launched in 2005 as a web-based alternative to making costly international calls. This initial surge helped grow the company through 2009. Then customer usage more than doubled. Skype caught the surge of people turning the camera on themselves. In 2006, Apple Computer built cameras into their laptops. (Before that, people bought a camera that attached to their computers. They were a little awkward.) Soon all Apple’s competitors included cameras with their laptop. Since people buy computers every three years, by 2009 business was booming. Skype rode the wave all the way until 2013, the year they sold to Microsoft for $8.5 billion.

What’s the change coming in your industry and how can your business better serve the new wave forming? Make sure you clearly understand your niche and what differentiates you. Most companies strive to be better, not different. The best-selling business book, Blue Ocean Strategy offers an excellent analogy. If you strive to be better, you are swimming in the “red sea” saturated with competitors. When you strive to be different, you are swimming in the “blue ocean” with little or no competition.

Most entrepreneurs are visionaries. They can picture what they want and because their purpose or mission drives them, they easily formulate a plan. Results are delayed when they try to implement their plan. Running their businesses gets in the way. To simplify, the process of Think, Plan, DO, goes off track with DO. Most people, not just entrepreneurs, have trouble implementing or doing.

Let me help you get started identifying your marketplace surge. Look for the change coming in your industry. First Google trends in the _______ industry (market.) Fill in the blank with your niche. Next Google history of ______ and put in the niche you are focusing on. Talk to the experts in your industry. Ask, what’s changing? What do your customer’s want and need? Where’s the next wave? Yes, do it now! At the very least, identify your niche and write what makes you different.

Back to enjoying a refreshing cold beer on the beach. Maybe my niche should be meeting with my clients on a beach while we both enjoy a refreshing cold brew. (iced tea for those who don’t drink?) It’s different…. One issue might be that most of my clients are in the Pittsburgh area. Is there a venue in Pittsburgh that offers the same experience?

Thank you, Kristina, for asking me to write a short article for the Chamber. Members, if you don’t like the article please send all complaints to Kristina. If you want to try out my new niche, let’s meet, talk business and enjoy a cold refreshing beer. I’ll bring a picture of the beach.

To your success,

Jay Duquette

Jay Duquette and Associates - Personal Business Mentoring helping powerful groups of business owners focus on the business drivers that grow companies.


